April 17 2017
I generally never invest in video tutorials, as video instruction tends to move too fast, often leaves out crucial details and is difficult to bookmark or search. So it was against better judgement that I went ahead and got the half-off Angular2 video tutorial set from Packt.
In the video author’s defence, Angular2 development doesn’t stop. The fellow in the video was giving instructions that I found impossible to follow: the inconsistencies were creating issues… things have been moved around, routing seems to be set up differently to what the fellow in the video was saying. And I’m only up to video number 3_4.
April 25 2017
Well, here we are, almost a week later. I tried using an older QuickStart pack, which got me a bit further, but I was soon back to things not working. When I pointed this out to Packt, they started a support ticket, which they resolved by offering me another product for free. However, up to now, I haven’t been able to access that “Claim Using Token” feature for my account with them.
April 29 2017
They got back to me (they’re in Birmingham, UK, so a bit of time delay) to offer the Angular 2 Cookbook be added to my account. Well done, Packt! I will definitely continue getting my IT stuff through them!
In the meantime, I’ve decided to use the (free) tutorial Angular 2 developers offer right on the site. Duh! Should have done that first!